Pretendian @kodeerants on Twitter

There’s a few stereotypes about non-Natives that many of us roll our eyes at to this day. Claiming to be Native based on family lore, ‘I have Native in me’, ‘I’m part Native/tribe’ – ‘I’m a descendant of Pocahontas’. In the real world, when I’m among the general public, it’s often that, one hundred percent … Read more

Maine West HS mascot

At the end of March, Illinois high school Maine West featured a ‘passing of the warbonnet’ type ceremony with one student giving the next a pale blue faux Plains style headdress. #NativeTwitter was quick on it and very soon after, some of the high school’s Twitter accounts either blocked Native and ally accounts or went … Read more

The first Super Bowl with pics

On  February 5, 2017, Buzzfeed posted an article about the first Super Bowl along with a number of photos. This included a couple of pics depicting a group of young women wearing faux Northern Plains style headdresses and engaged in a mockery dance. While the photos were interesting enough and showing that cultural appropriation was a … Read more