Counting down to counting digital coup at SXSW

In just a few days, our panel “Cultural Appropriation: a fixable cultural crime” will become available at SXSW Online 2021. The conference itself will be digital and our panel will be available to view by attendees on March 16th, from 9:15am to 10:10am CST. “Counting coup” refers to a practice by some tribes and cultures … Read more

It is not just “a feather in her hair”

green field with four feathers

Not too long ago, Rick Riordan, author of the popular Percy Jackson series, posted a blog about a character, Piper McClean, who is “part Cherokee”. The reason he wrote the blog was in response to backlash over the representation of the Cherokee character and the feathers that she wore in her hair. By the end … Read more

Bubba Otep and a joke apology

This joke of an apology appeared in Otep’s Twitter. A few days ago, a bit of a melee broke out on my feed. Lots of heated rhetoric on both sides & things got ugly. I sincerely apologize for my part in it. There’s bigger fights to fight & I’m sorry. — 👑 OTEP SHAMAYA 👑 … Read more

Maine West HS mascot

At the end of March, Illinois high school Maine West featured a ‘passing of the warbonnet’ type ceremony with one student giving the next a pale blue faux Plains style headdress. #NativeTwitter was quick on it and very soon after, some of the high school’s Twitter accounts either blocked Native and ally accounts or went … Read more