
Thank you for taking the time to check out NTVTWT.com and my blog here. Entries are longer than would be feasible for a tweet or a tweet thread. I hope to share with you thoughts, tidbits about my family and important issues in urban and reservation life. As many things in between as well.

A little personal stuff about me. I’m Oglala Lakota and Choctaw of Oklahoma. I’m disabled, in a wheelchair, a single parent to two disabled young men. My mother’s family are mostly located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where I call home though I currently live in Colorado.

If you have questions that aren’t about the site, feel free to drop me a line in the contact page. Suggestions on content are always welcome. NTVTWT.com aims to be a platform where Indigenous people can share a number of things. Ideas would be cartoonists, photographers, writers, book reviews, music reviews, movie reviews, gaming reviews, travel tips and just life experiences. We are not a news media site in the traditional sense. Our site hopes to become a collective of work and interests of our communities.

If you are non-Native and would still like to contribute somehow, shoot me a line and let me know your ideas too!